address- Duggada, Lansdowne

Jungle Safari

Jungle Safari

Corbett National Park (Sona Nadi) – Day safari
What makes it unique:

With almost 100 years of Jim Corbett’s writings perfectly capturing the stories and emotions of people of the 1920s, it is the quintessential experience of living in the wild that conjures up images of adventure, thrilling landscapes and absorbing wildlife even today. We are nestled in the outskirts of Corbett National Park in close proximity to the newly opened northern gates of Sonanadi wildlife century. Book a day trip with us to cherish the biodiverse richness of the land, the magnificence of the forests and the enchanting nature of the wild.

While you figure out your plans, we googled and created quick links to browse Jim Corbett’s famous works on the man-eaters:

What to pack for Safari:
  • Dress completely informal. Neutral colours recommended.
  • Windbreaker or warm jacket for winter safaris.
  • Comfortable walking shoes.
  • Binoculars, camera and video camera.
  • Sunscreen, Sunhats and sunglasses during summers.
What to expect:
  • A range of bio-diversity with possibility of close encounters with Tiger, Leopard, Elephant, Chital Deer, Sambhar Deer, Barking Deer (Ghural), Wild Boar, Rabbits, Cobra, Crocodile and many more. The Corbett National Park is also home to hundreds of fresh water fishes and bird species making it a nature bug’s delight.
  • An open gypsy drive traversing through the historical landscape of the infamous man-eaters of the Himalayas.

Suitable for: Couples and small groups.

Duration: One day.

Preferred period: Mid November to mid June.

Cost Inclusions:

  • Gypsy Safari.
  • Gate Pass. Guests can choose between Vatanvasa and Pakhro gate.
  • Guide Fees during the trip.


  • Morning – 7 A.M. to 12.00 noon
  • Evening – 1.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M